Monday, July 30, 2012

Travesties to Triumphs

My dears,

A remarkable woman named Annie once described her parenting style to me as "healthy neglect."  Though I tell myself that's my blogging mantra, there's a nagging suspicion it doesn't really translate well to closed input = output systems such as this.  Never the less, I have many tidbits to share, and like the postcards I just mailed to my parents that were addressed literally a decade ago, better late than never...right?

The little Thanksgiving puppy, Rosa, is still the happiest, most well behaved pooch I've ever met.  She's acclimated to her kennel in a field of wildflowers/outdoor lifestyle without a hiccup, and has been on doggy-vacation for 10 days with William.  The vacation topped out with a 40 mile overnight backpacking trip, for which Rosa packed her own supplies!

Things at Tate's Upper Canyon Outfitters Guest Ranch and Lodge are going well; I was able to accompany some select guests and staff from UCO on a beautiful horseback ride in the Gravelly Range.  Lookin' like a pro!

Despite my work schedule, I've found time to undertake the rather insane goal of running a marathon distance at the end of this summer.  Work/home is 24 miles from "town" and the plan, harebrained though it may be, is to go 2.2 miles FARTHER and then run all the way to Alder, Montana, from the Upper Ruby Valley.  There will definitely be some fluorescent yellow running shorts and a lot of silliness and ibuprofen in my daily routine.  There might also be some of those barefoot shoes involved, but we're not settled on that point yet... when it comes down to it, all I can tell you is that I've run 70 miles in the past 18 days or so, and I'm feeling a little bulletproof!

Kids, that's about it.  When the going gets tough, the tough get going - they cowboy up! and if all else fails and at the end of the day all you can say for yourself is that you're still upright and suckin' air, well, I figure you're not doing too bad after all.

Be well,
Elizabeth, Rosa, and everything else you hold dear