Sunday, March 11, 2012

Roadside Rock

My dear, dear reading public:

Today was the kind of day that makes life worth living.  Often I stopped and laughed out loud I was so pleased to be where I was, with friends, having a simply delightful time - and all the while, it seemed I could feel the Earth moving beneath my feet, the passing of time, and hot damn there I was!  Glad, so glad to be alive.  It's the kind of feeling you try to recall at the end of a hard day, during challenging times, to remind you why you keep on keepin' on.  There's no question in my mind that luck and persistance are both on my side that I am blessed enough to enjoy days like today.

Are you drooling and at the edge of your seat for me to tell you what I was doing?


How about now?

1) We were outside
2) One, if sane, needs lots of gear to proceed safely
3) French is involved

Rock climbing!

Lovely Shawn and Amber took me out for my first rock climbing adventure, and we had a blast.  Perfect cool, clear weather, the sun at our back, we did three routes the least of which was a 5.8 (Ya like how it sounds as though I know what that means?), everyone getting a chance at each, and perhaps I'll shut up and show you the pictures.  Suffice to say, I had so much fun (and, maybe my fingers are a LITTLE raw) that I kind of want to live in a van and be a climbing bum.  Three cheers for hobbies and goals!


Gettin' 'er done.
How awesome is THAT - Go Amber!
Thanks for keeping us safe, Amber!

Shawn's not relaxed or anything...
If you can't tell, his feet are crossed!

I'm about to be face to face with a LOT of bat guano.

Look!  I completed the route!

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