Thursday, July 14, 2011


My dear, dear reading public,

Welcome to the relocated blag - formerly known as From Oakland with Love.  Due to many recent ch-ch-ch-changes, I, Miss Author, have picked up, and put down, in the beautiful Ruby Valley of southwest Montana, and more specifically, Sheridan.

Not ten timeless days ago, I could be quoted saying that I wouldn't be leaving Oakland any time soon, let alone ending up in Montana.  If you don't believe me, quit your job, cut ties, and come pay me a visit.

It must be stated right here and now that the opportunities I face here in Sheridan and the greater area would absolutely not be possible without my friend, Marguerite.  Her brilliance, hard work, and strength of character have earned her the love and affection of many in the Valley and the extension of her community and resources to me is an absolute honor, one I will not squander.

Please stay tuned for the tales of wilderness, exploration, and the slow breaking in of a wide-eyed and open-hearted city girl.

You know what they say,
You can take the girl out of Montana,
But you can never take the Montana out of a girl.

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